Who are we?

We are WOKE! A christian based clothing and accessory shop. W.O.K.E stands for (Worthy of Kingdom Excellence), our goal is to show off the beauty and confidence in being worthy of God's glory. We pray you find hope, love and happiness in each item listed.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you".

-Matthew 6:33 KJV

Meet the Owners!

Meet Jerel and Angelique Earley. The founders of W.OK.E. Aesthetics. When God gives you a vision, you fulfill it right? We simply have a passion for people and leading by example physically is important, however spirtually is far more important. We created the brand so that others can represent Christ and the beauty of God's never ending love. Our pray is that you can lead someone else to God not only through aesthetics but through your heart. We forever love each and every one of you and always remember, there is beauty in serving the Lord. Be the change you want to see daily.